July 20 Paddle from Fort St James to Cromarty's

Packed up the trucks and had our morning meeting for our first reenactment and start of our Simon Fraser journey.

We trailered the boats to Cottonwood Park in Fort St James for the Music Festival Pancake Breakfast, then launched and loaded the three voyageurs, Fort Langley Canoes Club's two plus Peter's.

We were all dressed in our voyageur outfits and were given a blackpowder salute to send us on our way. Finally paddling!

We headed down Stuart Lake into Stuart River, stopping at the ancient, sacred grave site of a Carrier chief.

We paddled only 14 km to Dave Cromarty's farm, on the Stuart River, an easy start to our journey. Dave allowed us to setup our tents in the clearing beside his large log house. He saddled his horses for us to ride up into the meadows and showed up his "water babies" which are unusual shaped pieces clay found along the sides of the river a bit further south. We will look for them tomorrow.

After dinner and a large campfire we went to our tents.